We wanted to breed one of our very nicest bitches to the European boys, which is where Ch SnowDowne Catch The Breeze,CGC enters the picture. Breeze is outstanding in many ways; she has all of her health clearances, has done some very impressive winning in the show ring, and is the sweetest OES girl; she is a delight to live with and loves everyone. She has produced exceptionally nice puppies for us in the past that have been successful in the show ring, as well as passing their age appropriate health clearances. Frankly, we just love her!
Meet Breeze’s new babies!
Click on either picture of the puppies below to see individual pictures of them.
SnowDowne Abroad
Contact Us!
The babies are less than 3 weeks old in this picture. There are 4 girls on the left side and 3 boys on the right.
The babies are 5 weeks old in this picture. There are 4 girls
on the right side and 3 boys on the left.
So who is their daddy? We won’t know until after we get the results of the DNA analysis for each puppy, which can take up to 8 weeks! Of course we will update the website when we find out.
We would like to introduce you to Breeze, CJ and Woody.
Ch SnowDowne Catch The Breeze, CGC
OFA Hips: Good
BAER Hearing: Normal
CERF Eyes: Normal
Cerebellar Ataxia DNA: Free of Mutation (Normal)
Michigan State University (OFA Approved Lab): Thyroid and TgAA Normal
CGC: AKC Canine Good Citizen Title
CHIC Number: 70174 (Click on CHIC logo to learn what this is)
DNA Donated to AKC Canine Health Foundation DNA Repository
German VDH & DOESC Ch Woody Woodstock von den Blue Zottels
Frozen Semen- Surgical Implant
Breeder: Birgette and Matthias Leonhardt
Owner: Heike Schubert
Date of Birth: 8/8/2008
German VDCH and DOESC Registration #: D08033
Hips: A (best rating in Europe)
BAER Hearing: Normal
EVCO Eyes: Normal
PCD: Free of Mutation (Normal)
Cerebellar Ataxia DNA: Free of Mutation (Normal)
DNA Donated to AKC Canine Health Foundation DNA Repository
Coefficient of Inbreeding Woody/Breeze: 0.00008% (less than 1/100th of 1%)
At the 2012 Euro Show we kept seeing puppies that we were very impressed with, not only conformationally, but also temperament wise. After checking the sires of these puppies in the catalog, we noticed that Woody had sired almost all of them. We were also impressed by who had bred to him with some of the most conscientious breeders in Europe regarding health and temperaments using him in their breeding programs. We were delighted when Heike Schubert allowed us to import semen from Woody to use on our girls.
Woody did the following winning at these major European Shows:
BOB 2012 World Show
Best Junior 2009 World Show Winner
Best Junior 2009 Euro Show
2009, 2011, 2012 DOESC Club BOB
AUK, International, European, Greek, Austrian, Hungarian, Croatian,
German VDH and DOESC Champion Aryakas Cosmo Junior
Live Breeding
Breeder: Nikolas Kanalas
Owner: Elisabeth Antl
Date of Birth:11/17/03
German VDCH and DOESC Registration #: OHZB BO 1072
Hips: A (best rating in Europe)
Elbows: A (best rating in Europe)
BAER Hearing: Normal
EVCO Eyes: Normal
Thyroid: Normal at 9 years of age
PCD: Free of Mutation (Normal)
Cerebellar Ataxia DNA: Free of Mutation (Normal)
Coefficient of Inbreeding CJ/Breeze: 0.00055% (less than 1/10th of 1%)
It has been a love affair with SnowDowne and CJ ever since we saw him in 2005 at the OESCA Bicentennial Show. We were impressed with CJ’s incredible head, balanced reach and drive, as well as being one of the sweetest OES we have ever met. GCh SnowDowne My Favorite Color Is Purple, Lavender Knickers at SnowDowne and London Britches at SnowDowne are all out of CJ. In 2013, Elisabeth trusted her boy with us, and sent him over for 6 months for breeding. We were so honored, thank you so much Elisabeth! CJ settled right in at Colleen’s house and loved everyone, including all the OES there, as well as every single person he met. He acted as if he had lived there his whole life. This is CJ’s nature, nothing ever phases him.
CJ has done the following winning at these major European and American Shows:
Best Veteran 2013 Euro Show
BISS 2008 Euro Show
BOB 2008 World Show
Reserve Winners Dog 2008 OESCA National Specialty
BOB 2007 Crufts
CAC Best Male Res. BISS 2006 Euro Show